New BaselineZ 2023.1 Release


Based on many valuable feedback from our global customer base, we announce our new BaselineZ 2023.1 release.

BaselineZ is used to improve valuable insights and team communications around difficult, complex and expensive subsurface workflows using less time and resources.

New functionalities and improvements added to our new release include:

  • User Aura including Project Menu’s and an always available 3D Compass at the floor underneath your feet.
  • Quick action context menu’s available on all geo-items
  • Intuitive 3D object outlines to quickly identify and select geo-items
  • Virtual Core Table and Core Data Visualization improvements to interactively scrolling through your core images and adjust Brightness, Contrast and Colorsets.
  • Many more interaction options in 3D Stories, including Seismic and 3D Grid Slicing.

A free BaselineZ 2023.1 version is available for everyone who wants to try out some example datasets in XR.

Download BaselineZ and experience 3D Geoscience Models like never before!


Contact us if you want to see your own 3D Geoscience Models in BaselineZ.

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