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Visualization of a Geothermal Reservoir in BaselineZ

Men with HoloLens looking at 3D Model

VFG-Lab works with BaselineZ to visualize a geothermal reservoir and storage system Geothermal projects are predominantly located in the close vicinity of urban areas as electricity and heat supply need to be connected to the local energy infrastructure. Several stakeholders are…

(Sub)Salt body Modeling Use Case

Salt Body Modeling Use Case

(Sub)Salt body Modeling Use Case (Sub)Salt body modeling and communication is challenging. These challenges are exacerbated by using 2D screens to convey these complex 3D subsurface phenomena to teams, management, and stakeholders. The risks extend to evaluation, appraisal, exploration, and…

New BaselineZ 2022.2 Release

2 Avatars looking at a 3D Model in the Sky Room

Metaverse for Subsurface Geoscience New BaselineZ 2022.2 release available! BaselineZ further accelerates experiences, knowledge sharing and decision-making with our new release. Work and Learn differently…in a fun way! Why work with 3D data in a 2D world when you can with…

BaselineZ Drilling Operations Room

Real-Time Operations

Meet and work together on Drilling Operations in a 3D virtual room from anywhere in the world   This virtual room, available 24/7, contains the 3D Drilling Model, a Core Shed and all relevant information on scalable screens. Regardless of…

Visualize Geophysics data in Mixed Reality

Mobile Geophysical Technologies (MGT) and Craytive Technologies used BaselineZ to visualize and collaborate on the 3D resistivity model obtained from a semi airborne electromagnetics survey (2020) in Northern Germany. When discussing the first time with Johannes the possibility of visualizing…

Immersive Remote Collaboration in 2021

Here can be anywhereImmersive remote collaboration in 2021   Craytive Technologies is showcasing some of the experiences made possible by BaselineZ, a new mixed-reality platform powered by Azure that allows people in different physical locations to join collaborative and shared…

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